Every day we are faced with that 'Fork in the Road' or 'Spoon in the Road'! Some decisions won't really affect our lives much...as in should I choose Rocky Road or Moose Tracks ice cream. Some decisions do make a difference, but because they seem innocent & small, it seems to not take you off your chosen path by much.
Over time though, all these small, not so wise decisions catch up with you, & one day you look at yourself in the mirror, & wonder how on earth did I get here?
It is so easy to compensate for the gradual weight gain! Go up one size in jeans, and blame it on how sizes vary so much depending on the brand. Wear a little looser fitting, longer tops--after all they 'are' in style, do more layering...or wear hoodies a lot!
You skip a meal here & there, and drink diet soda with the illusion that it is really making a difference. Yet the weight creeps higher. Soon there is that very uncomfortable roll around your middle that hangs over your waistband when you sit down. There are love handles (perhaps more aptly named hate-them handles!) where where there used to be curves.
You stand at the fork in the road: Start making some lifestyle changes today, OR stay with what is comfortable. Staying with the latter is easiest, and requires the least effort & commitment. As Dr. Phil would say "So, how's that workin' for you??"
It is hard. Dang hard, to begin new habits, strive for consistency, and get on a path to a healthy lifestyle. I know because I am not naturally disciplined. I've never liked working out. I love to eat whatever I want.
I stand daily at that fork in the road...this is my journey trying to choose the better path.
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